Updated 04/21/20
Dear Tenants,
During these uncertain times, your health and safety is extremely important to us. We wanted to let you know that we’re here for you. If there is anything we can do to help, don’t hesitate to ask!!
Angie is available to text or call anytime, day or night. This is a tough time for everybody and she is here for you if you need anything. Whether it’s food, supplies, a listening ear, or need for other resources, she can be reached by phone at 612-590-5399 or by email at
If you, or someone you know is in crisis, text the Minnesota crisis text line at 741741 or find resources from the state website:
As always, please reach out with any questions. Stay safe!
In Health,
The MSP Realty Team
Updated 03/30/20
To MSP Realty Tenants,
- Unemployment insurance at
- Emergency assistance through your county
The Salvation Army Parkview Corps
2024 Lyndale Ave N
612-522-4871 ext 110
Our Savior's Housing (homelessness)
Metropolitan Council
Catholic Charities
1200 2nd Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55403
(612) 204-8500
Information on utilities, free meal options and food bank can be found at:
Family Housing Fund
Family Housing Funds has provided a list of resources for renters experiencing financial hardship and other urgent issues due to the pandemic.
We always provide the option to pay your rent with credit card and we are waiving all credit card fees on our end for rent due in April. Please let us know prior to paying so that we can adjust the setting for your household. We will also consider this for May & June.
If you are aware of additional resources not listed that other tenants could benefit from, please let us know and we will post them here.
Like you, we have financial obligations. Of those include a mortgage, taxes, insurance & maintenance for the property you call home. We want to continue providing you with an excellent renting experience and can only do that with your help.
Updated 03/25/20
Hi everybody,
I hope this message finds you adjusting well to your new temporary normal and of course healthy.
We know that this crazy experience is leaving many of you in tough positions financially and emotionally & would like to offer you the following resources if needed.
If you are impacted financially and would like to know what your subleasing or other options are, please reach out to me to set up a phone call. Also, please notify us if your home is currently vacant, or will be in the near future.
If you are experiencing emotional difficulties and would benefit from a furry friend / Emotional Support Animal, a lot of the property owners that we manage for are willing to make exceptions to their standard no pet policy. If this is something you are interested in, Please reach out to me to set up a call.
If you need toilet paper, food, or anything really, please reach out to me. We understand that this is tough for a lot of you and want to be a trusted resource you have access to.
And last, if you or a member of your household tests positive for COVID19, please let us know so that we can offer additional support if needed.
Please reference the links below for additional resources.
Updated 3.19.20
We, at MSP Realty, are dedicated to providing all of our tenants, clients & staff with safe environments and have taken steps to help minimize the spread of COVID-19.
How does this impact you?
A few ways. Here are some quick bullets. Further description follows for those who want the details.
- Showings for homes for sale are dependent on home owners preference. We have measures in place for our clients and staff and will work with sellers and buyers to determine what is ultimately best for them.
- All gatherings at our rental properties of more than 10 people are not permitted.
- Maintenance visits to our rental properties will be minimized over the next few weeks. Trouble shooting by phone, email and video chat will be our first steps. On site visits will be scheduled based on urgency.
- Showings for homes that are available for rent will continue. We have measures in place to minimize risk to our tenants & staff.
Gatherings & Celebrations
Our lease states that we have a no party policy. Occasionally, with advanced notice, we will make an exception for special events such as graduation. However, for the next month, no exceptions to this policy will be granted. Any gatherings of greater than 10 people is considered a violation of this policy. Fees and legal action could apply for breach of lease should these terms be violated.
Maintenance Requests
Please continue to submit maintenance requests in the tenant portal. We will trouble shoot via phone, text, email & video chat to start with. We will schedule onsite visits as needed.
Any person visiting your home under our direction will be required to sanitize their hands upon entrance and exit of your property and will be instructed not to touch anything unless vital to their visit.
Nobody who has travelled in the last 14 days or who has knowingly been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days will be permitted to enter your home. For the safety of all, we request that you enact the same policies with your guests.
We are personally requesting that all tenants halt travel and practice social distancing for the near future. This is for the safety of all of our tenants, staff, their families as well as for the greater good of our community.
Here is a link with a few resources to help you navigate this time:
Please reach out with any questions or concerns. We understand this is a challenging time for everybody and we are here for you.
Angie, Matt & the Crew