We have FINALLY had our Metal Railings installed and I can say with MUCH satisfaction that my home definitely feels more complete!
It will never really be finished as I have the constant urge to "Refresh" & "Improve", but these railings will definitely be sticking around for a while!
I hmm'd and haw'd for a long time over the style of metal railing to go with. So long that it took me an entire year to make a final decision!!
The fact that it took that long is actually okay because these railing did not make the cut in our original budget when we did the design/rebuild 2 years ago.
I tend to bust the budget a little bit, but Matt, my partner in life and partner in Real Estate Crime minus the crime part, stood strong on this part of the budget. After all, he wanted metal railings too but we wanted a deck sooner.
So logic won: we could open our gorgeous sliding doors off the back of the house as of last year and make full use of our grill with a deck.
And aesthetics won now too, it just took a little longer for that part.
So yes, it took some time (& I had to sell an extra house to get the purchase approved by Mr. Penny Pincher)...but let me tell you, it was WORTH IT!!
My cousin used the same company for the railings in her new home and they are GORGEOUS too!!
Reach out if you are looking for new railings. They also do floating stairs that are AMAZING and I would be happy to connect you!
And remember, if you are looking for a licensed broker or agent to help you:
- Buy
- Sell
- Rent/Manage
or - Airbnb your home
I'd love to help!