I consider myself pretty savvy when it comes to clean living and saving energy…..but sometimes I get LAZY. ~ Angie
Case in Point:
I was at Costco picking up a few things and somehow, nostalgia of the Blue Liquid Downy Fabric Softener my mom used as a kid kicked in. Before I knew it, the generic bottle was in my cart.
3 days later, my son has a rash all over his body. Luckily he could care less, but huge mom guilt over here!
So like I should have done many years ago, I am making the switch to Wool Dryer Balls. I have known for a long time that they are better for the environment and better for our health than most fabric softeners.
What I didn’t know until an email popped up in my inbox this morning (Thank you google for stocking my web activity last night) is that Wool Dryer Balls are actually an energy saving trick too!
I googled to verify the information in the email that I received from Public Goods, and found confirmation that they are in fact, energy savers J
Check these posts if you want to learn more:
The 3 Best Wool Dryer Balls by Andrea Hannah/Bustle
Saving Energy with Wool Dryer Balls by Just Add Cloth
If you want to check out Public Goods, they have a great price on the dryer balls: $6.50 for 4 balls. I just ordered them and will post an update on how I like them once I have tested them out!
UPDATE 2/18/19: I LOVE the dryer balls from Public Goods. After some reading, it says use at least 8 dryer balls to be most effective so I ordered another set. I also purchased the laundry pods for Public Goods and I prefer my Kirkland (Costco) unscented detergent over the PG Pods. It just seems to help keep our laundry softer.
I gave the PG all purpose cleaner a whirl as well. The scent was a bit strong for me, but if you dilute it a bit, it helps. I prefer the Trader Joe's All Purpose Cleaner, but the PG one isn't bad and they deliver to my door :)
If you want $20 of your first order from Public Goods, go here
PS: Thanks Nik MacMillan for the photo!